Beautiful Music Encyclopedia - 1 - Franck Pourcel
A photo of Franck Pourcel with a listing of members of his Grand Orchestra.
Here is some information and samples of some of the pages:
Cover -
Discography (images) -
Index -
Intro -
Song titles -
Members of the Orchestra -
Poem -
Discography -
Grammy Awards -
European Contests -
Classical Themes -
- Concerts in Japan -
Themes in Radio -
Advertisement -
- Members
Translation from the page:
Franck Pourcel (Conductor)
Balbon Georges (Violins)
Alberti Enrique (Violins)
Crotti Hector (Violons)
Mondon Patrice (Violins)
Aribaud Robert (Violins)
Pouvereau Philippe (Violins)
Borsarello Jean Luc (Violins)
Besanval Claude (Violins)
Jush Goldsteni (Violins)
Aghdamalian Antranik (Violins)
Camus Francois (Alto)
Maillard Jacques (Alto)
Ingigliardi Louis (Cello)
Morin Francois (Cello)
Roland André (Cello)
Wystraete Bernard (Flute)
Molinaro Michel (Horn)
Cazalet Andr'e (Horn)
Vezant Louis (Trumpet)
Drouer Martin (Trumpet)
Galiano Richard (Trombone)
Horler David (Trombone)
Massot Gérard (Trombone)
Alessandrini Raymond (Piano)
Leroux Jean Franois (Percussion)
Gary René (Harmonica)
Rae Christopher (Guitar)
Keogh Paul (Guitar)
Fiddy John (Bass Guitar)
Wright Douglas (Drums)
Pereron Philippe (Sound)
Vuillermin André (Manager)