Dining with Cattone
This is a translation of some parts from comments made by Mauriat at this Peruvian TV show.
Mauriat talks in French and is helped by a local interpreter to communicate to other local guests.
For more information about this TV show check the = Video Listings =
Talks before Dinner:
Paul Mauriat: I was coming from
Bogota. And my visit was to promote a video from TV special that
we did in Japan last year. Besides I visited Latin America to
know more about your culture and music leaving aside all the
stereotypes that one has at a distance. I was planning to come
back next year, with the whole orchestra....
At Dinner:
Paul Mauriat: To questions from the
host and other guests, he said that the singers and the current
French composers were much influenced of North American music
and much confused and that he hope that a new French song will
Question: There was a time when
the French songs were known all over the world, but that is not
the case, and Mauriat agreed with that statement..
Paul Mauriat: Also there are French
songs that people think that they are American songs, and he
placed as an example, My Way, that
really is a the French song Comme d'habitude.
Question: There is difficulty of the song broadcasting in other languages but is out there where orchestral versions has more success.
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat replies that
we see a painter sing or hum a song but never recite a poem!.
Question: That is why Jacques Prevert was more famous with "sung songs" that with his poems.
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat replies that Prevert
had an extraordinary success in France..
Paul Mauriat: Elle Arrive Aujourd'hui
was a hit at Festival de Palma de Mallorca, composed by Mauriat
and sung by a Haitian singer..
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat also composed
for international singers such as Caterina Valente, Mireille Mathieu (Mon Credo), Adieu
l'été, adieu la plage.
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat says that Mathieu
is his idol, that it was his first hit..
Question: Do you like more being a conductor, an arranger or a composer?
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat says that he
has a preference for arrangements. To make an orchestration like
a tailor makes a special suit...
Cattone: As a last question to Mauriat, if you get to know more of Peruvian music in this brief 2-day visit .
Paul Mauriat: Mauriat says he visited a "peña" and there he listened to a very different music from what he expected, with cajon, with Negro rhythms that have more rhythm that he thought.