Information on Videos and TV Broadcasts
B-747 Cockpit - Jet Stream
Scenic Video of views taken from a B-747 cockpit, with Franck Pourcel and Frederic Hard arrangements as background music. Produced by JAL, Japan Air Lines.
Release Information:
Music arrangements:
Frederic Dahl & Orchestra and Franck Pourcel Orchestra.
NTSC Color, CLV Stereo, Digital Sound
Planned by Japan
Air Lines, LO79-9014 (JETL-Z)
Produced by Jet Stream Co. Ltd. Distributed by
Toshiba E.M.O. Co. Ltd
Cooperated by Tokyo FM
Running Time: Approx.
29 minutes.
Track Listing:
- Opening - Rain Runway
- Gloria
- La Maison est en Ruine
- You Only Live Twice
- Anastasia
- Mister Lonely - Franck Pourcel and his Orchestra
- Scandinavian Sunset
Not sure which songs are performed by Franck Pourcel or not.