From the Paul Mauriat's Orchestra - From the tours

The Voices / Choirs from the tours
A. Germain - voice / choir A. Marya - voice / choir Barbara Beaman - voice / choir C. Chauvet - voice / choir
A. Germain
A. Marya
Barbara Beaman
C. Chauvet
Cynthia Fairbank - voice / choir Eva Correa - voice / choir G. Gogly - voice / choir M. Barouille - voice / choir
Cynthia Fairbank
Eva Correa (Evinha?)
G. Gogly
M. Barouille
Mariza Correa - voice / choir O. Constantin - voice / choir Raphaelle Audin - voice / choir Regina - voice / choir
Mariza Correa (Marizinha?)
O. Constantin
Raphaelle Audin
Solange Ferreira - voice / choir Virginia Raabe - voice / choir
Solange Ferreira
Virginia Raabe