Kai Warner - Special Selections
This listings accomodates those recordings that fit into in a series of recordings of the same title, presented here together.
Kai Warner's Go In Series
Read some notes from
Go In 7 back cover
- 1968 - Go In 1
- 1969 - Go In 2
- 1969 - Go In 3
- 1970 - Go In 4
- 1970 - Go In 5
- 1971 - Go In 6
- 1971 - Let's Go In 7
- 1972 - Let's Go In 8
- 1972 - Let's Go In 9
- 1973 - Go In '73
- 1973 - Go In '73/2
- 1974 - Go In 1974 - Die 28 Besten
Kai Warner's Go In Party Series
Kai Warner's Bittet Zum Tanz Series
- 1978 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 1
- 1979 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 2
- 1979 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 3
- 1980 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 4
- 1981 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 5
- 1982 - Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz 6