There is but a small coterie of top artistes in the basically musical area of show business who, year after year, continue to display the kind of superlative qualities in a multiplicity of ways that make them the despair of their rivals.

     James Last is one such artiste.

     For more years now than he would want to be reminded of, he has continued to deliver the goods in his own truly inimitable way, a vertible dynamo who launches himself into one successful project after another, working at a pace that would surely kil anyone unwise enough to try to follow his lead. And, of course, not only does this indefatigable man of music accept every new challenge with absolute relish - and as if it were his very first challenge - but there seems to be absolutely no new avenue he cannot conquer! After all, in terms of just concertising and record-making - probably his two most important areas - he races from one record-breaking achievement to another. And seemingly without a pause in between...

     To say that James Last's wholly enviable reputation is international would be like saying biscuits go well with cheese. Nevertheless, it is well worth remembering, at all times, that wherever music of top quality is heard, the name of James Last won't be too far away. For James Last's music simply cannot be confined to one country - nor even to just one continent. And he continues to be a worldwide attraction in a manner that is in itself a copper-bottom definition of the term 'sold right out'.