Billy Vaughn - CD Releases
This is a small list of CD releases from original recordings or compilations from different countries of
Billy Vaughn. For the original recordings check the
Referential Discography.
Billy Vaughn's CD releases
- Sail Along Silv'ry Moon/Blue Hawaii - 2-on-1 Original Recordings
- Theme from a Summer Place/Sundowners - 2-on-1 Original Recordings
- Look for a Star/A Swingin' Safari - 2-on-1 Original Recordings
- Billy Vaughn Live in Tokyo
- Christmas Songs
Billy Vaughn's CD Compilations
- The Best of Billy Vaughn
- The Best of Billy Vaughn and his Orchestra - 2CD
- Best-Sellers: the Top-Twenty Albums - 3CD
- Golden Music & Memories - 3CD